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"Our Lady of Guadalupe"
Ceramic tile
Church Street Cafe
Old Town, Albuquerque, NM
"Native American Pot"
Ceramic tile
Church Street Cafe
Old Town, Albuquerque, NM
"Four Seasons Leaves"
Slumped stained glass
Four Seasons Sunrooms showroom
Santa Fe, NM.
"Blowing Leaves"
Slumped stained glass
Corrales, NM.
"Roses and Morning Glories"
Stained glass and glass tile
Albuquerque, NM
"Earth, Wind and Fireplace"
Ceramic tile and stone
Albuquerque, NM
"Claudio's Cranes"
Stained glass
Corrales, NM.
"Magnolia Branch"
Ceramic tile
Placitas, NM.
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